
  • I Gede Agus Ariutama Politeknik Keuangan Negara STAN
  • nFN Syahrul Balai Diklat Keuangan Balikpapan



Tingkat Pendidikan, Tingkat Kesehatan, Ketimpangan Pendapatan, Model Panel VAR


By utilizing Panel Vector Autoregressive (PVAR) model, this study aims to identify the reciprocal effect of the level of education, health, and income inequality in Indonesia. Data of 33 provinces from 2009-2013 specifically means of school years for education level, life expectancy for health level, and gini ratio for the income inequality are explored. Furthermore, Granger Causality Test is employed to test the causality of the variables. The results showed that the levels of education, health, and income inequality in Indonesia shared mutual relationship by applying one lag as the best PVAR model in this study. 


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