About the Journal

JPBC is a national open-access peer-reviewed journal that provides a forum for both academic and applied work carried out by the border administration society, in particular by customs professionals, other government workers and private sector customs students, academics, and research students. Border control, the IT management system, the growth of human resources, international trade (import and export), national public policy and regulation, logistics, port administration, maritime protection and illegal trade, trade facilitation, excise duties, taxation, foreign exchange, and fiscal policy are all subjects of a wide range of studies.
JPBC calls for application practices and research and experience policies to be submitted in order to improve the understanding covering all areas of customs duties and their customs networks.
JPBC is published by the Polytechnic of State Finance Customs STAN, University of Finance, Indonesia, electronically twice a year.

  1. Manajemen perbatasan
  2. Teknologi informasi kepabeanan dan data analitis
  3. Manajemen SDM Kepabeanan dan Cukai
  4. Perdagangan Internasional, FTA, Tarif, Sengketa Dagang Internasional, Perlindungan HAKI
  5. Biaya Logistik dan Kepabeanan
  6. Optimalisasi Perpajakan dan fasilitas dalam rangka ekspor dan impor
  7. Kajian Tarif dan dana bagi hasil Cukai
  8. Efektivitas Penegakan hukum kepabeanan dan cukai
  9. Ekstensifikasi Cukai
  10. Kajian ekonomi makro atau mikro terkait kebijakan fiskal dalam ekspor, impor, dan cukai
  11. Tata kelola dalam bidang kepabeanan dan cukai