
  • Kuwat Slamet Pusdiklat Pengembangan SDM, BPPK



vocational education, project management, mini project


Is  it  needed  to  assign  vocational  education  students  group  work  in  the  form  of  mini  project  to implement a project management course material? To answer these questions, the author conducted an analysis of the implementation of mini project undertaken by class 5E and 5G students of Diploma III Program of State Treasury in PKN STAN. Students were divided into 10 groups and were given a four-week-deadline  to  complete  the  project.  Through  this  activity,  students  are  faced  with  an  actual description of the process of planning, implementation, evaluation, and reporting of an activity. The authors conclude that this assignment provides positive advantages to students. They acquire a broad understanding of how the management of a real project works and any obstacles encountered on the completion of a project. Analysis of the implementation of these activities can also provide input to PKN STAN and other vocational education management in designing curricula more precisely.


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